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Type 2 Diabetes an Independent Risk Factor for Coronary Artery Disease
Type 2 diabetes is an independent risk factor for sudden cardiac arrest and death in patients with coronary artery disease with preserved ejection fraction.” Original Article: Type 2 Read more
Metformin Shown to Decrease AMD Risk in Diabetes Patients
In a new study conducted in Taiwan, investigators found that use of metformin to treat diabetes also reduced the risk of AMD development over a 13-year period.” Original Article: Read more
Increasing Incidence of Diabetes After Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy
There is increased reporting of rapidly progressive diabetes associated with immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy.” Original Article: Increasing Incidence of Diabetes After Immune Read more
Fructans, not gluten, might cause wheat sensitivity. Here’s what you need to know.
 We know that many people who follow a gluten-free diet don’t need to for medical reasons, such as having celiac disease. Yet some insist they aren’t going gluten-free because Read more
Diabetes: Fasting before a blood test might actually be harmful
Is it actually a good idea for people with diabetes to fast before having a blood cholesterol test? A new study suggests this may do more harm than good.” Original Read more
Even When Not In Rome, Eat A Mediterranean Diet To Cut Heart Disease Risk
New research not only confirms the heart health benefits of a Mediterranean-style diet, but also tracks these benefits over the long term.” Original Article: Even When Not In Rome, Read more
Nutrition programs in schools found to reduce obesity
The negative health effects associated with obesity make up a lengthy list. This is particularly important for children struggling to stay healthy, as many health risks can last through Read more
The 8 Worst Foods for Digestion – Cooking Light
If your stomach has been giving you trouble, one of these foods may be to blame.” Original Article: The 8 Worst Foods for Digestion – Cooking Light Your writing adds immense Read more
What happens when a lifesaving drug becomes intolerably expensive?
As the cost of insulin skyrockets, some desperate diabetics are taking to rationing — and risking their lives.” Original Article: What happens when a lifesaving drug becomes Read more
Researchers bid to tackle stigma following study of adolescents with type 1 diabetes
Teenagers and young adults with type 1 diabetes commonly feel stigmatised which affects how they control their condition. A Canadian study found that two-thirds of participants experienced Read more
Why eight hours a night isn’t enough, according to a leading sleep scientist
Your genes can determine whether you’re a morning person or night owl.” Source: Why eight hours a night isn’t enough, according to a leading sleep Read more
Diabetes Diagnosis ‘Silver Lining’? Other Family Members’ Health May Improve
When someone is diagnosed with diabetes, other family members seem more likely to adopt health lifestyle changes, too.” Source: Diabetes Diagnosis ‘Silver Lining’? Other Read more
Boundary Issues
As dietitians we need to attend to boundary issues that come up between us and our patients and clients. Dietitians of Canada has put together an excellent resource on which to write an Read more
Increased vitamin D aids in type 2 diabetes prevention efforts
Vitamin D supplementation may be an effective strategy to slow or reverse the progression from prediabetes to diabetes, according to results of a meta-anlysis published in the Journal of Read more
Allergen in red meat, heart disease linked in study
Although high saturated fat levels in red meat have been with associated with the buildup of plaque in the heart’s arteries, researchers for the first time found that some people face Read more
Programs Can Lower Diabetes Distress in Adults With T1DM
Both education/behavioral and emotion-focused approaches produce similar results” Source: Programs Can Lower Diabetes Distress in Adults With Read more
Psychotic Experiences Associated With Increased Risk for Eating Disorders in Adolescents
These data suggest the need for targeted interventions in children with psychotic experiences to prevent disordered eating behaviors in later adolescence.” Source: Psychotic Read more
Two Phases of C-Peptide Decline Identified in Type 1 Diabetes
Identifying phases of C-peptide decline may be valuable for understanding β-cell survival.” Source: Two Phases of C-Peptide Decline Identified in Type I Read more
Full-fat dairy may actually benefit heart health
New research challenges the widely held belief that full-fat dairy must be avoided. In fact, some types of dairy may even prevent stroke, says the study.” Source: Full-fat dairy may Read more
Rate of HbA1c increase influences risk for diabetic polyneuropathy
Among adults with type 2 diabetes, each 1% increase in HbA1c during 10 years increases the risk for diabetic polyneuropathy by nearly 66%, according to data from the ADDITION-Denmark study Read more
Genome signature identified which could explain how the body battles against type 2 diabetes
A new genome signature has been identified which could reveal how lifestyle interventions work in the bodies of people at risk of type 2 diabetes. Scottish scientists believe this is the Read more
One year later: Case Study of WIC-CMC’s “WIC Video Visits” Program – Healthie Blog: Resources for Health and Wellness Professionals
In 2017, we joined forces with WIC-Community Medical Centers (CMC) in California to understand the impact of virtual care programs via a “WIC Video Visits” program. One year later, the Read more
Do omega-3 supplements really benefit the heart?
A major systematic review of clinical trials led by independent researchers finds ‘little to no’ evidence that omega-3 capsules benefit heart health.” Source: Do omega-3 Read more