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Fructans, not gluten, might cause wheat sensitivity. Here’s what you need to know.
We know that many people who follow a gluten-free diet don’t need to for medical reasons, such as having celiac disease. Yet some insist they aren’t going gluten-free because Read more
The 8 Worst Foods for Digestion – Cooking Light
If your stomach has been giving you trouble, one of these foods may be to blame.” Original Article: The 8 Worst Foods for Digestion – Cooking Light Your writing adds immense Read more
What happens when a lifesaving drug becomes intolerably expensive?
As the cost of insulin skyrockets, some desperate diabetics are taking to rationing — and risking their lives.” Original Article: What happens when a lifesaving drug becomes Read more
Probabilistic risk model of norovirus transmission during handling and preparation of fresh produce in school foodservice operations
Human noroviruses (NoV) are recognized worldwide as important pathogens and the primary cause of foodborne disease outbreaks from contaminated food in the U.S. They are Read more
Why eight hours a night isn’t enough, according to a leading sleep scientist
Your genes can determine whether you’re a morning person or night owl.” Source: Why eight hours a night isn’t enough, according to a leading sleep Read more
Boundary Issues
As dietitians we need to attend to boundary issues that come up between us and our patients and clients. Dietitians of Canada has put together an excellent resource on which to write an Read more
Cost Calculation and Adherence to ADA Recommendations Based on a Flash Continuous Glucose Monitoring System for People with T1DM or T2DM Using MDI Therapy
Background: A novel, factory-calibrated, flash continuous glucose monitoring system (flash CGM; FreeStyle Libre™ system) was approved by FDA in September 2017. The clinical benefit of Read more
Psychotic Experiences Associated With Increased Risk for Eating Disorders in Adolescents
These data suggest the need for targeted interventions in children with psychotic experiences to prevent disordered eating behaviors in later adolescence.” Source: Psychotic Read more
One year later: Case Study of WIC-CMC’s “WIC Video Visits” Program – Healthie Blog: Resources for Health and Wellness Professionals
In 2017, we joined forces with WIC-Community Medical Centers (CMC) in California to understand the impact of virtual care programs via a “WIC Video Visits” program. One year later, the Read more