Tag: Diabetes

How Diabetes Develops Over a Lifetime

write about type 2 diabetes


  • Natural History of Diabetes
  • Insulin Resistance
  • Weight Gain and Insulin Decline
  • After meal high blood sugars
  • Increased Fasting Blood Sugars

Planning And Writing Your Article- With CEU!

Although all dietitians are well-versed in academic writing, it can be a challenge to organize our vast knowledge in a way that hits the right chord for readers on the web. Before you sit down to write your epic article, save yourself some time by investing an hour in learning the basics of a solid writing process that can help you create your very best work.

We’ve scoured the internet for the best practices on writing and distilled the information to meet the needs of NutriScape writers. In our 1-hour CEU presentation, “Copywriting Skills for the Internet”, we discuss a structured process for each phase of writing and cover critical SEO principles that are key to getting articles found on Google.

This writer’s guide is a resource that will be sure to help as you organize your thoughts:

Polyunsaturated fatty acids confer no benefit for diabetes protection

write about unsaturated fats

We came across this topic some time back and thought it would be good inspiration for a NutriScape.NET article written from the dietitian’s point of view. Here are some quick snippets you can follow.

Risk for developing type 2 diabetes is not modified by consuming more omega-3, omega-6 and/or total polyunsaturated fatty acids, according to findings published in BMJ. “The World Health Organization asked us to carry out a set of studies — systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials — assessing health effects of omega-3 and omega-6, which are polyunsaturated

Source: Polyunsaturated fatty acids confer no benefit for diabetes protection

Your writing adds immense value to The NutriScape Project’s educational mission and places our writers as experts in the field. It can deliver you attention from your perfect clients so that they can connect—that’s what it’s all about. But first, let’s make sure this article is going to get the attention it deserves.

When Google Likes Your Article, Clients Find You

We want to make it easy to write great articles that get awesome levels of traffic.  That requires SEO.  SEO is the art and science of getting found on Google. It is a highly technical topic that most dietitians prefer not to tackle. And SEO is best done before any writing even takes place. 

Our specialist dietitian has already done much of the SEO work for you–researching and testing out the best keywords and heading structure to include to make your article show up in internet searches.


Coming up with the best keywords is tricky. Many of the keywords we would normally think of having either too much competition or too little search traffic. You will want to use the keyword/keyphrase in the first paragraph of your article and several more times.

According to our research, these are the best keyword(s) or keyphrase(s) to include in your article:

  • polyunsaturated fatty acids benefits for diabetes
  • are polyunsaturated fats good for diabetics?
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids

Suggested Headings

Readers love easy reading! Google looks for readability and scanability, so headings are important. Headings make your article easy to scan and can also break up long blocks of text that tend to overwhelm your readers.

During the keyword research process, these heading ideas came up in the top-rated articles and searches. If these headings fit the topic you are writing about and the article you want to write, they would probably help the article rank well in Google searches. They are only suggestions, so if they don’t fit what you are writing, you will want to create something better. Here are the headings our SEO dietitian suggested for this article:

  • Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Their Potential Therapeutic Role in Cardiovascular System Disorders
  • Type 2 Diabetes, PUFAs, and Vitamin D: Their Relation to Inflammation
  • Nutrition Principles and Recommendations in Diabetes
  • Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes

Planning And Writing Your Article

This resource is sure to help as you organize your thoughts:

Treating diabetes distress yields ‘dramatic’ improvements

write about diabetes

We came across this topic some time back and thought it would be good inspiration for a NutriScape.NET article written from the dietitian’s point of view. Here are some quick snippets you can follow.

Adults with type 1 diabetes who took part in programs designed for improving emotional reactions and education related to the disease reported less diabetes distress than those who did not participate in such programs, according to findings published in Diabetic Medicine. “Diabetes distress refers to the often hidden emotional burdens, stresses and worries that result from managing a

Source: Treating diabetes distress yields ‘dramatic’ improvements

Planning And Writing Your Article- With CEU!

Although all dietitians are well-versed in academic writing, it can be a challenge to organize our vast knowledge in a way that hits the right chord for readers on the web. Before you sit down to write your epic article, save yourself some time by investing an hour in learning the basics of a solid writing process that can help you create your very best work.

We’ve scoured the internet for the best practices on writing and distilled the information to meet the needs of NutriScape writers. In our 1-hour CEU presentation, “Copywriting Skills for the Internet”, we discuss a structured process for each phase of writing and cover critical SEO principles that are key to getting articles found on Google.

This writer’s guide is a resource that will be sure to help as you organize your thoughts:

Incremental liver fat increases raise diabetes, metabolic syndrome risks

write about non alcoholic fatty liver disease, NAFLD

We came across this topic some time back and thought it would be good inspiration for a NutriScape.NET article written from the dietitian’s point of view. Here are some quick snippets you can follow.

Increases in liver fat correlated with development of cardiovascular disease risk factors including incident diabetes and metabolic syndrome, according to results from a 6-year longitudinal study.“NAFLD clusters with several cardiometabolic traits including obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia,” Katherine T. Brunner, MD, from the Boston University School of Medicine in

Source: Incremental liver fat increases raise diabetes, metabolic syndrome risks

Your writing adds immense value to The NutriScape Project’s educational mission and places our writers as experts in the field. It can deliver you attention from your perfect clients so that they can connect—that’s what it’s all about. But first, let’s make sure this article is going to get the attention it deserves.

When Google Likes Your Article, Clients Find You

We want to make it easy to write great articles that get awesome levels of traffic.  That requires SEO.  SEO is the art and science of getting found on Google. It is a highly technical topic that most dietitians prefer not to tackle. And SEO is best done before any writing even takes place. 

Our specialist dietitian has already done much of the SEO work for you–researching and testing out the best keywords and heading structure to include to make your article show up in internet searches.


Coming up with the best keywords is tricky. Many of the keywords we would normally think of having either too much competition or too little search traffic. You will want to use the keyword/keyphrase in the first paragraph of your article and several more times.

According to our research, these are the best keyword(s) or keyphrase(s) to include in your article:

  • significance of fatty liver in the metabolic syndrome
  • fatty liver and diabetes
  • metabolic fatty liver disease

Suggested Headings

Readers love easy reading! Google looks for readability and scanability, so headings are important. Headings make your article easy to scan and can also break up long blocks of text that tend to overwhelm your readers.

During the keyword research process, these heading ideas came up in the top-rated articles and searches. If these headings fit the topic you are writing about and the article you want to write, they would probably help the article rank well in Google searches. They are only suggestions, so if they don’t fit what you are writing, you will want to create something better. Here are the headings our SEO dietitian suggested for this article:

  • Liver and diabetes. A vicious circle
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease as a cause and a consequence of metabolic syndrome
  • Type 2 Diabetes and Fatty Liver Disease
  • Does Lipitor Increase My Risk for Diabetes?

Planning And Writing Your Article

This resource is sure to help as you organize your thoughts:

When Teens With Diabetes Drink

write about teens

We came across this topic some time back and thought it would be good inspiration for a NutriScape.NET article written from the dietitian’s point of view. Here are some quick snippets you can follow.

Study shows only about half of adolescents disclose alcohol use to physicians

Source: When Teens With Diabetes Drink

Planning And Writing Your Article- With CEU!

Although all dietitians are well-versed in academic writing, it can be a challenge to organize our vast knowledge in a way that hits the right chord for readers on the web. Before you sit down to write your epic article, save yourself some time by investing an hour in learning the basics of a solid writing process that can help you create your very best work.

We’ve scoured the internet for the best practices on writing and distilled the information to meet the needs of NutriScape writers. In our 1-hour CEU presentation, “Copywriting Skills for the Internet”, we discuss a structured process for each phase of writing and cover critical SEO principles that are key to getting articles found on Google.

This writer’s guide is a resource that will be sure to help as you organize your thoughts:

Scan FreeStyle Libre CGM Sensor with Your iPhone! FreeStyle LibreLink and LibreLinkUp Apps Available in US

write about blood glucose

We came across this topic some time back and thought it would be good inspiration for a NutriScape.NET article written from the dietitian’s point of view. Here are some quick snippets you can follow.

By Jimmy McDermott and Maeve Serino FreeStyle LibreLink app allows FreeStyle Libre users in the US to obtain a real-time glucose reading directly on their iPhone. Plus, LibreLinkUp now available for caregivers to remotely monitor glucose and trends

Source: Scan FreeStyle Libre CGM Sensor with Your iPhone! FreeStyle LibreLink and LibreLinkUp Apps Available in US

Planning And Writing Your Article- With CEU!

Although all dietitians are well-versed in academic writing, it can be a challenge to organize our vast knowledge in a way that hits the right chord for readers on the web. Before you sit down to write your epic article, save yourself some time by investing an hour in learning the basics of a solid writing process that can help you create your very best work.

We’ve scoured the internet for the best practices on writing and distilled the information to meet the needs of NutriScape writers. In our 1-hour CEU presentation, “Copywriting Skills for the Internet”, we discuss a structured process for each phase of writing and cover critical SEO principles that are key to getting articles found on Google.

This writer’s guide is a resource that will be sure to help as you organize your thoughts:

Could Your Refrigerator Be One of the Factors that Affect Blood Glucose?

write about blood glucose

We came across this topic some time back and thought it would be good inspiration for a NutriScape.NET article written from the dietitian’s point of view. Here are some quick snippets you can follow.

Surprising study findings from a look at refrigerator temperatures and the risk posed to insulin quality; plus, a guide to safe insulin storage and Med Angel’s very cool temp sensor

Source: Could Your Refrigerator Be One of the Factors that Affect Blood Glucose?

Planning And Writing Your Article- With CEU!

Although all dietitians are well-versed in academic writing, it can be a challenge to organize our vast knowledge in a way that hits the right chord for readers on the web. Before you sit down to write your epic article, save yourself some time by investing an hour in learning the basics of a solid writing process that can help you create your very best work.

We’ve scoured the internet for the best practices on writing and distilled the information to meet the needs of NutriScape writers. In our 1-hour CEU presentation, “Copywriting Skills for the Internet”, we discuss a structured process for each phase of writing and cover critical SEO principles that are key to getting articles found on Google.

This writer’s guide is a resource that will be sure to help as you organize your thoughts:

Diabetes risk: Sodas worse for you than other sugary foods, study says

write about soda and other sugary drinks

We came across this topic some time back and thought it would be good inspiration for a NutriScape.NET article written from the dietitian’s point of view. Here are some quick snippets you can follow.

Consuming too many sodas can negatively affect your health. In fact, it may increase your risk of diabetes more than other sugary foods, according to a new report.

Source: Diabetes risk: Sodas worse for you than other sugary foods, study says

Your writing adds immense value to The NutriScape Project’s educational mission and places our writers as experts in the field. It can deliver you attention from your perfect clients so that they can connect—that’s what it’s all about. But first, let’s make sure this article is going to get the attention it deserves.

When Google Likes Your Article, Clients Find You

We want to make it easy to write great articles that get awesome levels of traffic.  That requires SEO.  SEO is the art and science of getting found on Google. It is a highly technical topic that most dietitians prefer not to tackle. And SEO is best done before any writing even takes place. 

Our specialist dietitian has already done much of the SEO work for you–researching and testing out the best keywords and heading structure to include to make your article show up in internet searches.


Coming up with the best keywords is tricky. Many of the keywords we would normally think of having either too much competition or too little search traffic. You will want to use the keyword/keyphrase in the first paragraph of your article and several more times.

According to our research, these are the best keyword(s) or keyphrase(s) to include in your article:

Suggested Headings

Readers love easy reading! Google looks for readability and scanability, so headings are important. Headings make your article easy to scan and can also break up long blocks of text that tend to overwhelm your readers.

During the keyword research process, these heading ideas came up in the top-rated articles and searches. If these headings fit the topic you are writing about and the article you want to write, they would probably help the article rank well in Google searches. They are only suggestions, so if they don’t fit what you are writing, you will want to create something better. Here are the headings our SEO dietitian suggested for this article:

  • What to know about diet soda and diabetes
  • How Does Liquid Sugar Harm Your Body?
  • Is Diet Soda Safe for Diabetes?

Planning And Writing Your Article

This resource is sure to help as you organize your thoughts:

How reversing diabetes cost to drive savings impact is viable

write about costs

We came across this topic some time back and thought it would be good inspiration for a NutriScape.NET article written from the dietitian’s point of view. Here are some quick snippets you can follow.

The healthcare system could save $10 billion annually if Type 2 sufferers used dietary changes to reduce HbA1c levels by 1 percent.

Source: How reversing diabetes cost to drive savings impact is viable

Planning And Writing Your Article- With CEU!

Although all dietitians are well-versed in academic writing, it can be a challenge to organize our vast knowledge in a way that hits the right chord for readers on the web. Before you sit down to write your epic article, save yourself some time by investing an hour in learning the basics of a solid writing process that can help you create your very best work.

We’ve scoured the internet for the best practices on writing and distilled the information to meet the needs of NutriScape writers. In our 1-hour CEU presentation, “Copywriting Skills for the Internet”, we discuss a structured process for each phase of writing and cover critical SEO principles that are key to getting articles found on Google.

This writer’s guide is a resource that will be sure to help as you organize your thoughts:

How reversing diabetes cost to drive savings impact is viable

write about costs

We came across this topic some time back and thought it would be good inspiration for a NutriScape.NET article written from the dietitian’s point of view. Here are some quick snippets you can follow.

The healthcare system could save $10 billion annually if Type 2 sufferers used dietary changes to reduce HbA1c levels by 1 percent.

Source: How reversing diabetes cost to drive savings impact is viable

Planning And Writing Your Article- With CEU!

Although all dietitians are well-versed in academic writing, it can be a challenge to organize our vast knowledge in a way that hits the right chord for readers on the web. Before you sit down to write your epic article, save yourself some time by investing an hour in learning the basics of a solid writing process that can help you create your very best work.

We’ve scoured the internet for the best practices on writing and distilled the information to meet the needs of NutriScape writers. In our 1-hour CEU presentation, “Copywriting Skills for the Internet”, we discuss a structured process for each phase of writing and cover critical SEO principles that are key to getting articles found on Google.

This writer’s guide is a resource that will be sure to help as you organize your thoughts:

‘Social jet lag’ linked to poorly controlled diabetes

write about diabetes

We came across this topic some time back and thought it would be good inspiration for a NutriScape.NET article written from the dietitian’s point of view. Here are some quick snippets you can follow.

(Reuters Health) – Diabetics with irregular sleep schedules that diverge from their internal body clocks may be at increased risk for dangerously high blood sugar, a small study suggests.

Article from :Reuters.com, ‘Social jet lag’ linked to poorly controlled diabetes

Planning And Writing Your Article- With CEU!

Although all dietitians are well-versed in academic writing, it can be a challenge to organize our vast knowledge in a way that hits the right chord for readers on the web. Before you sit down to write your epic article, save yourself some time by investing an hour in learning the basics of a solid writing process that can help you create your very best work.

We’ve scoured the internet for the best practices on writing and distilled the information to meet the needs of NutriScape writers. In our 1-hour CEU presentation, “Copywriting Skills for the Internet”, we discuss a structured process for each phase of writing and cover critical SEO principles that are key to getting articles found on Google.

This writer’s guide is a resource that will be sure to help as you organize your thoughts:

Study investigates how dietary fat can affect insulin dosing in type 1 diabetes – Diabetes

write about type 1 diabetes

In both the USA and UK, people with type 1 diabetes are recommended to adjust insulin for dietary fat. It is known that combining fat with carbohydrate at meals can slow how quickly food is absorbed and this can affect the required timing and dose of insulin. To date, the optimal way of adjusting doses […]

Article from: diabetes.co.ukStudy investigates how dietary fat can affect insulin dosing in type 1 diabetes – Diabetes

Healthiest lifestyle can reduce diabetes risk by 75%

write about exercise and nutrition

Adults who practice a combination of healthy lifestyle factors, such as not smoking, avoiding alcohol, participating in physical activity and maintaining a normal weight, are 75% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes when compared with adults who maintain an unhealthy lifestyle, according to findings published in Diabetologia. In a meta-analysis of more than 1 million adults, researchers also

Article from: Healio.com : Healthiest lifestyle can reduce diabetes risk by 75%

Educational text messages improve glycemic control in CHD, diabetes

write about coronary heart disease(CHD)

PARIS — Patients with CHD and diabetes who received frequent educational and motivational text messages for glycemic control in addition to standard care had a greater reduction in glycated hemoglobin than those who received standard care, according to the results of the CHAT-DM study. The study showed that the inclusion of tailored, automated text messages six times per week featuring

Article from: Healio.com,  Educational text messages improve glycemic control in CHD, diabetes

Intensive weight loss fails to reduce CV risk among certain patients with type 2 diabetes

write about cardiovascular accident cva

Cardiovascular event risk for those with overweight or obesity can either be lowered or heightened with intensive lifestyle interventions depending on certain factors, according to findings published in Diabetes Care. “It may be wise to be cautious with regard to very intensive lifestyle interventions, such as the intervention from the Look AHEAD trial, in certain patient

Article from Healio: Intensive weight loss fails to reduce CV risk among certain patients with type 2 diabetes

Only 1 in 5 patients with diabetes has ‘good’ foot care

write about diabetes

Only about one in five patients with diabetic foot diseases in Turkey engaged in what researchers called “good” foot care, according to findings published in Primary Care Diabetes. “Foot care has been found to be effective in reducing the risk of neuropathy, foot ulcers and infections,” Fatma Ylmaz Karada, MD, PhD, from the department of infectious diseases and clinical

Article from Healio.com : Only 1 in 5 patients with diabetes has ‘good’ foot care

Facilitated conversations can reduce family hypoglycemia burden in diabetes

write about hypoglycemia

An international survey of more than 4,300 family members of people with diabetes suggests that most feel worried or anxious about their loved one experiencing a hypoglycemic episode, with three-quarters of respondents reporting they spent time helping family members manage low blood glucose events, according to findings published in Diabetes Therapy. “There has been little research

Article from Healio.com : Facilitated conversations can reduce family hypoglycemia burden in diabetes

No patients with prediabetes referred to prevention program

write about pre-diabetes

None of the more than 1,400 patients with prediabetes were formally referred to the CDC’s National Diabetes Prevention Program, according to findings recently published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. “The fact that there is a highly effective (better than the effectiveness of most medicines!) lifestyle intervention — the National Diabetes Prevention

From Healio.com: No patients with prediabetes referred to prevention program

Menarche, menopause, oral contraceptives influence type 2 diabetes risk

write about type 2 diabetes

Early age at menarche, early age at menopause and the use of oral contraceptives can increase the risk for developing type 2 diabetes by as much as 33%, according to study data presented at the European Association for the Study of Diabetes annual meeting. “A longer exposure to endogenous sex hormones that occurs late in life, as well as breastfeeding, were associated with a lower risk for

Article from Healio : Menarche, menopause, oral contraceptives influence type 2 diabetes risk

‘Digiceuticals,’ new CGM devices, HbA1c alternatives transform diabetes management

write about diabetes

CHICAGO — The growing abundance of technology options for better diabetes management and the trend away from HbA1c as the only evaluation metric for the condition are important parallel phenomena, according to a speaker at the Cardiometabolic Health Congress. Anne Peters, MD, director of USC clinical diabetes programs and professor of clinical medicine at the Keck School of Medicine

Healio: ‘Digiceuticals,’ new CGM devices, HbA1c alternatives transform diabetes management

Declining insulin levels in type 1 diabetes stabilize after seven years, study shows

write about type 1 diabetes

Insulin production falls steadily for seven years in people with type 1 diabetes but then stabilizes, researchers have said. A team from the University of Exeter Medical School said they believe insulin levels decline by about 50% every year for a total of seven years after diagnosis. But after that they begin to level out.”

Original Article: Declining insulin levels in type 1 diabetes stabilize after seven years, study shows

When diabetes is diagnosed: How to use the grief cycle to provide emotional support

write about diabetes

The diagnosis of diabetes is a significant life event, and reactions to it have frequently been likened to the grieving process, as individuals can mourn for the loss of health and wellbeing. The five stages of grief, as posited by Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, provide a valuable framework for understanding the impact of a diabetes diagnosis. This article explores the varying reactions to the diagnosis and offers advice to healthcare professionals on how they can help people to accept it and begin navigating the journey of diabetes.”

Original Article: When diabetes is diagnosed: How to use the grief cycle to provide emotional support

Promoting Health After Gestational Diabetes

write about gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy. Mother can reduce their risk for developing Type 2 diabetes with these tips.”

Original Article: Promoting Health After Gestational Diabetes

Your writing adds immense value to The NutriScape Project’s educational mission and places our writers as experts in the field. It can deliver you attention from your perfect clients so that they can connect—that’s what it’s all about. But first, let’s make sure this article is going to get the attention it deserves.

When Google Likes Your Article, Clients Find You

We want to make it easy to write great articles that get awesome levels of traffic.  That requires SEO.  SEO is the art and science of getting found on Google. It is a highly technical topic that most dietitians prefer not to tackle. And SEO is best done before any writing even takes place. 

Our specialist dietitian has already done much of the SEO work for you–researching and testing out the best keywords and heading structure to include to make your article show up in internet searches.


Coming up with the best keywords is tricky. Many of the keywords we would normally think of having either too much competition or too little search traffic. You will want to use the keyword/keyphrase in the first paragraph of your article and several more times.

According to our research, these are the best keyword(s) or keyphrase(s) to include in your article:

  • risk factors for gestational diabetes
  • health education for gestational diabetes mellitus
  • what should I do after gestational diabetes?

Suggested Headings

Readers love easy reading! Google looks for readability and scanability, so headings are important. Headings make your article easy to scan and can also break up long blocks of text that tend to overwhelm your readers.

During the keyword research process, these heading ideas came up in the top-rated articles and searches. If these headings fit the topic you are writing about and the article you want to write, they would probably help the article rank well in Google searches. They are only suggestions, so if they don’t fit what you are writing, you will want to create something better. Here are the headings our SEO dietitian suggested for this article:

  • A National Diabetes Education Program Call to Action
  • Promoting Health After Gestational Diabetes
  • Promoting Health After Gestational Diabetes
  • Gestational Diabetes Education and Diabetes Prevention

Planning And Writing Your Article

This resource is sure to help as you organize your thoughts:

Type 2 Diabetes an Independent Risk Factor for Coronary Artery Disease

write about heart disease

Type 2 diabetes is an independent risk factor for sudden cardiac arrest and death in patients with coronary artery disease with preserved ejection fraction.”

Original Article: Type 2 Diabetes an Independent Risk Factor for Coronary Artery Disease

Your writing adds immense value to The NutriScape Project’s educational mission and places our writers as experts in the field. It can deliver you attention from your perfect clients so that they can connect—that’s what it’s all about. But first, let’s make sure this article is going to get the attention it deserves.

When Google Likes Your Article, Clients Find You

We want to make it easy to write great articles that get awesome levels of traffic.  That requires SEO.  SEO is the art and science of getting found on Google. It is a highly technical topic that most dietitians prefer not to tackle. And SEO is best done before any writing even takes place. 

Our specialist dietitian has already done much of the SEO work for you–researching and testing out the best keywords and heading structure to include to make your article show up in internet searches.


Coming up with the best keywords is tricky. Many of the keywords we would normally think of having either too much competition or too little search traffic. You will want to use the keyword/keyphrase in the first paragraph of your article and several more times.

According to our research, these are the best keyword(s) or keyphrase(s) to include in your article:

  • What are the major factors causing apparent coronary artery disease in type 2 diabetes?
  • Is type 2 diabetes a risk factor for coronary heart disease?
  • risk factor for coronary artery disease

Suggested Headings

Readers love easy reading! Google looks for readability and scanability, so headings are important. Headings make your article easy to scan and can also break up long blocks of text that tend to overwhelm your readers.

During the keyword research process, these heading ideas came up in the top-rated articles and searches. If these headings fit the topic you are writing about and the article you want to write, they would probably help the article rank well in Google searches. They are only suggestions, so if they don’t fit what you are writing, you will want to create something better. Here are the headings our SEO dietitian suggested for this article:

  • Type II diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular risk factors
  • Risk Factors for Coronary Artery Disease – Medscape Reference
  • The Pathophysiology of Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes
  • A Major Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Disease | Circulation

Planning And Writing Your Article

This resource is sure to help as you organize your thoughts: