Author: Your Name and Title Here!

Use your biography to describe your talent and link to your NutriScape Nutrition Profile. From there, you can provide your contact information and link to website and your Social Media Accounts.

The Patented Mediator Release Test (MRT®) – Oxford Biomedical Technologies, Inc.

write about tests


Despite all of the clinical and immunologic complexities associated with food sensitivities, the single common component of all diet-induced inflammatory reactions is proinflammatory and proalgesic mediator release from white cells. It’s the release of cytokines, histamine, leukotrienes, prostaglandins, etc., from neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils and

Food Sensitivities : The Patented Mediator Release Test (MRT®) – Oxford Biomedical Technologies, Inc.

Lp(a) has strong effect on CVD risk

write about medications

CHICAGO — Lipoprotein(a) has been shown to be an independent, causal and genetic risk factor for CVD, with higher prevalence in patients of African, South Asian, Asian and Oceanic ancestry, according to a presentation at the Cardiometabolic Health Congress. During his presentation, Patrick M. Moriarty, MD, FACC, FACP, professor of medicine and director of clinical pharmacology and the

Article by Healio: 

Lp(a) has strong effect on CVD risk

Bone material strength improves after gastric bypass

write about gastric bypass

Adults with obesity who underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass experienced an improvement in bone material strength in the year after surgery despite an increase in bone turnover markers and decrease in bone mineral density, according to findings published in Bone. “After Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, a reduction in areal BMD and an increase in bone turnover and fracture rate are observed,”

Original article from Healio: Bone material strength improves after gastric bypass

Food Lists for Nutrients

charts and or lists

Model: Food lists for various nutrients

Fruits and Juices – Find on this page a list of fruits and juices high in Magnesium.

Create Lead Magnets for Consumers

Use this information and/or other sources to create consumer-oriented lead magnets for readers who want a reference for dietary sources of these individual nutrients.

  • Create an initial draft format for this set of lead magnets that might include:
    • What the nutrient does in the body/symptoms of deficiency
    • How much do you need
    • Food list
  • We’ll seek feedback from RNDs and RDNs asking the question: What improvements could be made to this document.
  • Criteria:
    • Includes NutriScape Logo
    • Print-friendly PDF format –
    • Consumer reading level
    • Portions should be appropriate (not 100g portions for everything).

Create a Lead Magnet for Dietitians

Use this information and/or other sources to create a single lead magnet for dietitians who want a reference for dietary sources of nutrients.

  • Create an initial draft format for this lead magnet that might include:
    • What the nutrient does in the body– (Google map of cellular metabolism and describe where it fits into cellular metabolism in a way that dietitians will appreciate.)
    • symptoms of deficiency
    • How much do you need
    • Food list
  • We’ll seek feedback from RNDs and RDNs asking the question: What improvements could be made to this document.
  • Criteria:
    • Includes NutriScape Logo
    • Print-friendly PDF format –
    • Consumer reading level
    • Portions should be appropriate (not 100g portions for everything).

Declining insulin levels in type 1 diabetes stabilize after seven years, study shows

write about type 1 diabetes

Insulin production falls steadily for seven years in people with type 1 diabetes but then stabilizes, researchers have said. A team from the University of Exeter Medical School said they believe insulin levels decline by about 50% every year for a total of seven years after diagnosis. But after that they begin to level out.”

Original Article: Declining insulin levels in type 1 diabetes stabilize after seven years, study shows

Alternatives to waist circumference, BMI ‘weak’ predictors of cardiometabolic risk

write about weight management

Alternative surrogate measurements of central body shape and fat accumulation are not superior indicators of cardiometabolic risk when compared against the currently recommended measurements of waist circumference and BMI, according to findings published in Clinical Nutrition.”

Original Article: Alternatives to waist circumference, BMI ‘weak’ predictors of cardiometabolic risk

Metabolic syndrome associated with poorer cognition in midlife

write about mental health

Middle-aged Hispanic adults with metabolic syndrome were more likely to have lower global neurocognitive scores and to satisfy criteria for low mental status, both early hallmarks of dementia, than their peers without metabolic syndrome, according to findings published in Diabetes Care.”

Original Article: Metabolic syndrome associated with poorer cognition in midlife

Science behind these food sensitivity tests has been debunked — but they’re still widely offered

write about food intolerance

Two of Canada’s biggest labs promote and offer something known as IgG food tests at their labs, marketed as a way to test for food sensitivities. But medical experts call these blood tests “irrelevant,” “unvalidated” and “inappropriate” when it comes to tracking food intolerance.”

Original Article: Science behind these food sensitivity tests has been debunked — but they’re still widely offered | CBC News

Sleep deprivation increases Alzheimer’s protein

write about sleep

In a small study, losing just one night of sleep led to an increase in beta-amyloid, a protein in the brain associated with Alzheimer’s disease.”

Original Article: Sleep deprivation increases Alzheimer’s protein

Your writing adds immense value to The NutriScape Project’s educational mission and places our writers as experts in the field. It can deliver you attention from your perfect clients so that they can connect—that’s what it’s all about. But first, let’s make sure this article is going to get the attention it deserves.

When Google Likes Your Article, Clients Find You

We want to make it easy to write great articles that get awesome levels of traffic.  That requires SEO.  SEO is the art and science of getting found on Google. It is a highly technical topic that most dietitians prefer not to tackle. And SEO is best done before any writing even takes place. 

Our specialist dietitian has already done much of the SEO work for you–researching and testing out the best keywords and heading structure to include to make your article show up in internet searches.


Coming up with the best keywords is tricky. Many of the keywords we would normally think of having either too much competition or too little search traffic. You will want to use the keyword/keyphrase in the first paragraph of your article and several more times.

According to our research, these are the best keyword(s) or keyphrase(s) to include in your article:

  • can sleep deprivation cause Alzheimer’s
  • how is Alzheimer’s caused by proteins
  • what protein builds up in Alzheimer’s?

Suggested Headings

Readers love easy reading! Google looks for readability and scanability, so headings are important. Headings make your article easy to scan and can also break up long blocks of text that tend to overwhelm your readers.

During the keyword research process, these heading ideas came up in the top-rated articles and searches. If these headings fit the topic you are writing about and the article you want to write, they would probably help the article rank well in Google searches. They are only suggestions, so if they don’t fit what you are writing, you will want to create something better. Here are the headings our SEO dietitian suggested for this article:

  • A Lack of Sleep in Middle Age Can Increase the Risk of Dementia
  • Alzheimer’s disease – Causes
  • What Happens to the Brain in Alzheimer’s Disease?
  • Sleep deprivation increases Alzheimer’s protein

Planning And Writing Your Article

This resource is sure to help as you organize your thoughts:

The Ketogenic Diet: A Breakdown of this Popular Eating Plan

write about keto diet



Original Article: The Ketogenic Diet: A Breakdown of this Popular Eating Plan – Food & Nutrition Magazine

Planning And Writing Your Article- With 1 Free CEU!

Although all dietitians are well-versed in academic writing, it can be a challenge to organize our vast knowledge in a way that hits the right chord for readers on the web. Before you sit down to write your epic article, save yourself some time by investing an hour in learning the basics of a solid writing process that can help you create your very best work.

We’ve scoured the internet for the best practices on writing and distilled the information to meet the needs of NutriScape writers. In our 1-hour CEU presentation, “Copywriting Skills for the Internet”, we discuss a structured process for each phase of writing and cover critical SEO principles that are key to getting articles found on Google.

This writer’s guide is a resource that will be sure to help as you organize your thoughts:

Simple Sugars Wipe Out Beneficial Gut Bugs

write about gut health

Fructose and sucrose can make it all the way to the colon, where they spell a sugary death sentence for beneficial bacteria. Karen Hopkin reports.”

Original Article: Simple Sugars Wipe Out Beneficial Gut Bugs

Your writing adds immense value to The NutriScape Project’s educational mission and places our writers as experts in the field. It can deliver you attention from your perfect clients so that they can connect—that’s what it’s all about. But first, let’s make sure this article is going to get the attention it deserves.

When Google Likes Your Article, Clients Find You

We want to make it easy to write great articles that get awesome levels of traffic.  That requires SEO.  SEO is the art and science of getting found on Google. It is a highly technical topic that most dietitians prefer not to tackle. And SEO is best done before any writing even takes place. 

Our specialist dietitian has already done much of the SEO work for you–researching and testing out the best keywords and heading structure to include to make your article show up in internet searches.


Coming up with the best keywords is tricky. Many of the keywords we would normally think of having either too much competition or too little search traffic. You will want to use the keyword/keyphrase in the first paragraph of your article and several more times.

According to our research, these are the best keyword(s) or keyphrase(s) to include in your article:

  • does sugar mess with gut bacteria
  • can bacteria grow in sugar
  • what is sugar

Suggested Headings

Readers love easy reading! Google looks for readability and scanability, so headings are important. Headings make your article easy to scan and can also break up long blocks of text that tend to overwhelm your readers.

During the keyword research process, these heading ideas came up in the top-rated articles and searches. If these headings fit the topic you are writing about and the article you want to write, they would probably help the article rank well in Google searches. They are only suggestions, so if they don’t fit what you are writing, you will want to create something better. Here are the headings our SEO dietitian suggested for this article:

  • Sugar Can Keep Good Microbes From Colonizing Your Gut
  • The Connection Between Sugar and Your Gut
  • 7 Signs of an Unhealthy Gut and 7 Ways to Improve Gut Health
  • The Surprising Ways Sugar Could Mess With Your Gut

Planning And Writing Your Article

This resource is sure to help as you organize your thoughts:

A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials: Effect of psyllium (Plantago ovata) fiber

write about research

Effect of psyllium (Plantago ovata) fiber on LDL cholesterol and alternative lipid targets, non-HDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein B: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
The aims of this study were to update evidence on the effect of psyllium on LDL cholesterol and to provide an assessment of its impact on alternate markers: non-HDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein B (apoB).”

Original Article