Author: Your Name and Title Here!

Use your biography to describe your talent and link to your NutriScape Nutrition Profile. From there, you can provide your contact information and link to website and your Social Media Accounts.

Apples Assist Weight Loss

write about weight loss

Apples have many beneficial effects which can be mostly attributed to their antioxidant effects and positive impacts on heart health which include helping to regulate blood sugar, as published in Food Chemistry.”

Original Article: Apples Assist Weight Loss

Your writing adds immense value to The NutriScape Project’s educational mission and places our writers as experts in the field. It can deliver you attention from your perfect clients so that they can connect—that’s what it’s all about. But first, let’s make sure this article is going to get the attention it deserves.

When Google Likes Your Article, Clients Find You

We want to make it easy to write great articles that get awesome levels of traffic.  That requires SEO.  SEO is the art and science of getting found on Google. It is a highly technical topic that most dietitians prefer not to tackle. And SEO is best done before any writing even takes place. 

Our specialist dietitian has already done much of the SEO work for you–researching and testing out the best keywords and heading structure to include to make your article show up in internet searches.


Coming up with the best keywords is tricky. Many of the keywords we would normally think of having either too much competition or too little search traffic. You will want to use the keyword/keyphrase in the first paragraph of your article and several more times.

According to our research, these are the best keyword(s) or keyphrase(s) to include in your article:

  • can eating apples all day help you lose weight
  • can apples help you lose weight
  • best fruits for weight loss

Suggested Headings

Readers love easy reading! Google looks for readability and scanability, so headings are important. Headings make your article easy to scan and can also break up long blocks of text that tend to overwhelm your readers.

During the keyword research process, these heading ideas came up in the top-rated articles and searches. If these headings fit the topic you are writing about and the article you want to write, they would probably help the article rank well in Google searches. They are only suggestions, so if they don’t fit what you are writing, you will want to create something better. Here are the headings our SEO dietitian suggested for this article:

  • The 11 Best Fruits for Weight Loss
  • Are Apples Weight-Loss-Friendly or Fattening?
  • Apples 101: Benefits, Weight Loss Potential, Side Effects, and More

Planning And Writing Your Article

This resource is sure to help as you organize your thoughts:

Fasting, Longevity and the Mitochondrial Connection

write about fasting

There are diseases involving the entire body, e.g. hemorrhage, sepsis. There are diseases specific to the level of individual organs — heart failure, strokes, kidney failure, blindness. There are diseases at the cellular level — myeloma, leukemia etc. There are diseases at the genetic level — Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Fabry’s disease. In all cases, finding the right ‘level’ to zoom in is vital to finding the ultimate cause of disease. But there is one level that has been virtually ignored, until recently — the sub cellular level that exists between the cellular and genetic levels.”

Original Article: Fasting, Longevity and the Mitochondrial Connection

Early Puberty Mystery Linked to Family Exposure to Household Chemicals

write about early puberty

American girls are now going through puberty significantly earlier than in decades prior, a trend that’s been linked to physiological and psychological risks. The various factors thought to drive early puberty include obesity, toxic stress, and environmental elements. A landmark study published Monday looks at one particular type of environmental element — the chemicals in household items.”

Original Article: Early Puberty Mystery Linked to Family Exposure to Household Chemicals

When diabetes is diagnosed: How to use the grief cycle to provide emotional support

write about diabetes

The diagnosis of diabetes is a significant life event, and reactions to it have frequently been likened to the grieving process, as individuals can mourn for the loss of health and wellbeing. The five stages of grief, as posited by Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, provide a valuable framework for understanding the impact of a diabetes diagnosis. This article explores the varying reactions to the diagnosis and offers advice to healthcare professionals on how they can help people to accept it and begin navigating the journey of diabetes.”

Original Article: When diabetes is diagnosed: How to use the grief cycle to provide emotional support

Promoting Health After Gestational Diabetes

write about gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy. Mother can reduce their risk for developing Type 2 diabetes with these tips.”

Original Article: Promoting Health After Gestational Diabetes

Your writing adds immense value to The NutriScape Project’s educational mission and places our writers as experts in the field. It can deliver you attention from your perfect clients so that they can connect—that’s what it’s all about. But first, let’s make sure this article is going to get the attention it deserves.

When Google Likes Your Article, Clients Find You

We want to make it easy to write great articles that get awesome levels of traffic.  That requires SEO.  SEO is the art and science of getting found on Google. It is a highly technical topic that most dietitians prefer not to tackle. And SEO is best done before any writing even takes place. 

Our specialist dietitian has already done much of the SEO work for you–researching and testing out the best keywords and heading structure to include to make your article show up in internet searches.


Coming up with the best keywords is tricky. Many of the keywords we would normally think of having either too much competition or too little search traffic. You will want to use the keyword/keyphrase in the first paragraph of your article and several more times.

According to our research, these are the best keyword(s) or keyphrase(s) to include in your article:

  • risk factors for gestational diabetes
  • health education for gestational diabetes mellitus
  • what should I do after gestational diabetes?

Suggested Headings

Readers love easy reading! Google looks for readability and scanability, so headings are important. Headings make your article easy to scan and can also break up long blocks of text that tend to overwhelm your readers.

During the keyword research process, these heading ideas came up in the top-rated articles and searches. If these headings fit the topic you are writing about and the article you want to write, they would probably help the article rank well in Google searches. They are only suggestions, so if they don’t fit what you are writing, you will want to create something better. Here are the headings our SEO dietitian suggested for this article:

  • A National Diabetes Education Program Call to Action
  • Promoting Health After Gestational Diabetes
  • Promoting Health After Gestational Diabetes
  • Gestational Diabetes Education and Diabetes Prevention

Planning And Writing Your Article

This resource is sure to help as you organize your thoughts:

Antibiotics and Blood Glucose

write about blood glucose

The usual winter cold just seemed to linger and not go away. It had been 2 weeks of nasal congestion, runny nose and cough, but now I had sinus pressure and little to no energy. Fortunately, my blood sugar was in range the entire 2 weeks despite such awful symptoms. I then went on azithromycin, or the well-known Z-pack, for a sinus infection. I took the medication with dinner and then 2-3 hours after I felt even more fatigued, with dry mouth and a headache. I checked my blood sugar and noticed it was 270mg/dl.”

Original Article: Antibiotics and Blood Glucose

Your writing adds immense value to The NutriScape Project’s educational mission and places our writers as experts in the field. It can deliver you attention from your perfect clients so that they can connect—that’s what it’s all about. But first, let’s make sure this article is going to get the attention it deserves.

When Google Likes Your Article, Clients Find You

We want to make it easy to write great articles that get awesome levels of traffic.  That requires SEO.  SEO is the art and science of getting found on Google. It is a highly technical topic that most dietitians prefer not to tackle. And SEO is best done before any writing even takes place. 

Our specialist dietitian has already done much of the SEO work for you–researching and testing out the best keywords and heading structure to include to make your article show up in internet searches.


Coming up with the best keywords is tricky. Many of the keywords we would normally think of having either too much competition or too little search traffic. You will want to use the keyword/keyphrase in the first paragraph of your article and several more times.

According to our research, these are the best keyword(s) or keyphrase(s) to include in your article:

  • antibiotics and blood glucose levels
  • can antibiotics affect blood glucose levels
  • does antibiotics affects insulin

Suggested Headings

Readers love easy reading! Google looks for readability and scanability, so headings are important. Headings make your article easy to scan and can also break up long blocks of text that tend to overwhelm your readers.

During the keyword research process, these heading ideas came up in the top-rated articles and searches. If these headings fit the topic you are writing about and the article you want to write, they would probably help the article rank well in Google searches. They are only suggestions, so if they don’t fit what you are writing, you will want to create something better. Here are the headings our SEO dietitian suggested for this article:

  • Certain Antibiotics Tied to Blood Sugar Swings in Diabetics
  • Antibiotics and Diabetes: Do the Two Mix?
  • Common antibiotic can cause potentially fatal blood sugar
  • Medications That Can Raise Blood Sugar – Diabetes

Planning And Writing Your Article

This resource is sure to help as you organize your thoughts:

Type 2 Diabetes an Independent Risk Factor for Coronary Artery Disease

write about heart disease

Type 2 diabetes is an independent risk factor for sudden cardiac arrest and death in patients with coronary artery disease with preserved ejection fraction.”

Original Article: Type 2 Diabetes an Independent Risk Factor for Coronary Artery Disease

Your writing adds immense value to The NutriScape Project’s educational mission and places our writers as experts in the field. It can deliver you attention from your perfect clients so that they can connect—that’s what it’s all about. But first, let’s make sure this article is going to get the attention it deserves.

When Google Likes Your Article, Clients Find You

We want to make it easy to write great articles that get awesome levels of traffic.  That requires SEO.  SEO is the art and science of getting found on Google. It is a highly technical topic that most dietitians prefer not to tackle. And SEO is best done before any writing even takes place. 

Our specialist dietitian has already done much of the SEO work for you–researching and testing out the best keywords and heading structure to include to make your article show up in internet searches.


Coming up with the best keywords is tricky. Many of the keywords we would normally think of having either too much competition or too little search traffic. You will want to use the keyword/keyphrase in the first paragraph of your article and several more times.

According to our research, these are the best keyword(s) or keyphrase(s) to include in your article:

  • What are the major factors causing apparent coronary artery disease in type 2 diabetes?
  • Is type 2 diabetes a risk factor for coronary heart disease?
  • risk factor for coronary artery disease

Suggested Headings

Readers love easy reading! Google looks for readability and scanability, so headings are important. Headings make your article easy to scan and can also break up long blocks of text that tend to overwhelm your readers.

During the keyword research process, these heading ideas came up in the top-rated articles and searches. If these headings fit the topic you are writing about and the article you want to write, they would probably help the article rank well in Google searches. They are only suggestions, so if they don’t fit what you are writing, you will want to create something better. Here are the headings our SEO dietitian suggested for this article:

  • Type II diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular risk factors
  • Risk Factors for Coronary Artery Disease – Medscape Reference
  • The Pathophysiology of Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes
  • A Major Risk Factor for Cardiovascular Disease | Circulation

Planning And Writing Your Article

This resource is sure to help as you organize your thoughts:

Metformin Shown to Decrease AMD Risk in Diabetes Patients

write about medicines and diabetes

In a new study conducted in Taiwan, investigators found that use of metformin to treat diabetes also reduced the risk of AMD development over a 13-year period.”

Original Article: Metformin Shown to Decrease AMD Risk in Diabetes Patients

Your writing adds immense value to The NutriScape Project’s educational mission and places our writers as experts in the field. It can deliver you attention from your perfect clients so that they can connect—that’s what it’s all about. But first, let’s make sure this article is going to get the attention it deserves.

When Google Likes Your Article, Clients Find You

We want to make it easy to write great articles that get awesome levels of traffic.  That requires SEO.  SEO is the art and science of getting found on Google. It is a highly technical topic that most dietitians prefer not to tackle. And SEO is best done before any writing even takes place. 

Our specialist dietitian has already done much of the SEO work for you–researching and testing out the best keywords and heading structure to include to make your article show up in internet searches.


Coming up with the best keywords is tricky. Many of the keywords we would normally think of having either too much competition or too little search traffic. You will want to use the keyword/keyphrase in the first paragraph of your article and several more times.

According to our research, these are the best keyword(s) or keyphrase(s) to include in your article:

  • does diabetes cause age-related macular degeneration?
  • what medications are bad for macular degeneration?
  • is metformin an ace inhibitor

Suggested Headings

Readers love easy reading! Google looks for readability and scanability, so headings are important. Headings make your article easy to scan and can also break up long blocks of text that tend to overwhelm your readers.

During the keyword research process, these heading ideas came up in the top-rated articles and searches. If these headings fit the topic you are writing about and the article you want to write, they would probably help the article rank well in Google searches. They are only suggestions, so if they don’t fit what you are writing, you will want to create something better. Here are the headings our SEO dietitian suggested for this article:

  • Association of Metformin Use With Age-Related Macular Degeneration
  • Treatment of neovascular age-related macular degeneration in patients with diabetes
  • Metformin, A Potential Role in Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  • Association between Metformin and a Lower Risk of Age-Related Macular Degeneration in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

Planning And Writing Your Article

This resource is sure to help as you organize your thoughts:

Fructans, not gluten, might cause wheat sensitivity. Here’s what you need to know.

write about wheat allergies

 We know that many people who follow a gluten-free diet don’t need to for medical reasons, such as having celiac disease. Yet some insist they aren’t going gluten-free because it’s trendy — they’re going gluten-free because it makes them feel better. Many researchers believe these people who think they can’t tolerate gluten are actually sensitive to fructans.”

Original Article: Fructans, not gluten, might cause wheat sensitivity. Here’s what you need to know.

Nutrition programs in schools found to reduce obesity

write about nutrition for kids

The negative health effects associated with obesity make up a lengthy list. This is particularly important for children struggling to stay healthy, as many health risks can last through adulthood.”

Original Article: Nutrition programs in schools found to reduce obesity

Your writing adds immense value to The NutriScape Project’s educational mission and places our writers as experts in the field. It can deliver you attention from your perfect clients so that they can connect—that’s what it’s all about. But first, let’s make sure this article is going to get the attention it deserves.

When Google Likes Your Article, Clients Find You

We want to make it easy to write great articles that get awesome levels of traffic.  That requires SEO.  SEO is the art and science of getting found on Google. It is a highly technical topic that most dietitians prefer not to tackle. And SEO is best done before any writing even takes place. 

Our specialist dietitian has already done much of the SEO work for you–researching and testing out the best keywords and heading structure to include to make your article show up in internet searches.


Coming up with the best keywords is tricky. Many of the keywords we would normally think of having either too much competition or too little search traffic. You will want to use the keyword/keyphrase in the first paragraph of your article and several more times.

According to our research, these are the best keyword(s) or keyphrase(s) to include in your article:

  • the role of schools in preventing childhood obesity
  • obesity prevention programs in schools
  • how to prevent obesity

Suggested Headings

Readers love easy reading! Google looks for readability and scanability, so headings are important. Headings make your article easy to scan and can also break up long blocks of text that tend to overwhelm your readers.

During the keyword research process, these heading ideas came up in the top-rated articles and searches. If these headings fit the topic you are writing about and the article you want to write, they would probably help the article rank well in Google searches. They are only suggestions, so if they don’t fit what you are writing, you will want to create something better. Here are the headings our SEO dietitian suggested for this article:

  • Community Efforts | Overweight & Obesity
  • Strategies to Prevent & Manage Obesity | Overweight
  • School-based nutrition education programs
  • Obesity – CDC Healthy Schools

Planning And Writing Your Article

This resource is sure to help as you organize your thoughts:

Is Coconut Oil All It’s Cracked Up To Be? Get The Facts On This Faddish Fat

write about fats

In the past few years, enthusiasts have touted coconut oil as the next great health food. But it contains high levels of saturated fat, which is associated with an increased risk of heart disease.”

Original Article: Is Coconut Oil All It’s Cracked Up To Be? Get The Facts On This Faddish Fat

Your writing adds immense value to The NutriScape Project’s educational mission and places our writers as experts in the field. It can deliver you attention from your perfect clients so that they can connect—that’s what it’s all about. But first, let’s make sure this article is going to get the attention it deserves.

When Google Likes Your Article, Clients Find You

We want to make it easy to write great articles that get awesome levels of traffic.  That requires SEO.  SEO is the art and science of getting found on Google. It is a highly technical topic that most dietitians prefer not to tackle. And SEO is best done before any writing even takes place. 

Our specialist dietitian has already done much of the SEO work for you–researching and testing out the best keywords and heading structure to include to make your article show up in internet searches.


Coming up with the best keywords is tricky. Many of the keywords we would normally think of having either too much competition or too little search traffic. You will want to use the keyword/keyphrase in the first paragraph of your article and several more times.

According to our research, these are the best keyword(s) or keyphrase(s) to include in your article:

  • Coconut oil benefits and side effects
  • Coconut oil benefits
  • Coconut oil nutrition facts

Suggested Headings

Readers love easy reading! Google looks for readability and scanability, so headings are important. Headings make your article easy to scan and can also break up long blocks of text that tend to overwhelm your readers.

During the keyword research process, these heading ideas came up in the top-rated articles and searches. If these headings fit the topic you are writing about and the article you want to write, they would probably help the article rank well in Google searches. They are only suggestions, so if they don’t fit what you are writing, you will want to create something better. Here are the headings our SEO dietitian suggested for this article:

  • Coconut Oil: Is It Good for You?
  • Coconut Oil | The Nutrition Source
  • Is there a place for coconut oil in a healthy diet?
  • COCONUT OIL: Overview, Uses, Side Effects, Precautions

Planning And Writing Your Article

This resource is sure to help as you organize your thoughts:

The 8 Worst Foods for Digestion – Cooking Light

write about gut health

If your stomach has been giving you trouble, one of these foods may be to blame.”

Original Article: The 8 Worst Foods for Digestion – Cooking Light

Your writing adds immense value to The NutriScape Project’s educational mission and places our writers as experts in the field. It can deliver you attention from your perfect clients so that they can connect—that’s what it’s all about. But first, let’s make sure this article is going to get the attention it deserves.

When Google Likes Your Article, Clients Find You

We want to make it easy to write great articles that get awesome levels of traffic.  That requires SEO.  SEO is the art and science of getting found on Google. It is a highly technical topic that most dietitians prefer not to tackle. And SEO is best done before any writing even takes place. 

Our specialist dietitian has already done much of the SEO work for you–researching and testing out the best keywords and heading structure to include to make your article show up in internet searches.


Coming up with the best keywords is tricky. Many of the keywords we would normally think of having either too much competition or too little search traffic. You will want to use the keyword/keyphrase in the first paragraph of your article and several more times.

According to our research, these are the best keyword(s) or keyphrase(s) to include in your article:

  • foods to avoid when you have digestive problems
  • worst foods for digestion
  • foods that are the hardest to digest

Suggested Headings

Readers love easy reading! Google looks for readability and scanability, so headings are important. Headings make your article easy to scan and can also break up long blocks of text that tend to overwhelm your readers.

During the keyword research process, these heading ideas came up in the top-rated articles and searches. If these headings fit the topic you are writing about and the article you want to write, they would probably help the article rank well in Google searches. They are only suggestions, so if they don’t fit what you are writing, you will want to create something better. Here are the headings our SEO dietitian suggested for this article:

  • The Absolute Worst Foods for Digestion
  • 11 Foods to Avoid When You’re Having Digestive Problems
  • Foods that help digestion: What to eat and avoid
  • Foods That Help and Hurt Digestion, According to Experts

Planning And Writing Your Article

This resource is sure to help as you organize your thoughts:

Omega-3 supplements fail to reduce body weight, insulin resistance in adolescents with obesity

write about omega 3

Combined with a hypocaloric diet, an omega-3 fatty acid supplement failed to improve measures of insulin resistance and body weight in children with obesity over 3 months, according to findings from a randomized controlled trial published in Pediatric Obesity.”

Source: Omega-3 supplements fail to reduce body weight, insulin resistance in adolescents with obesity

Probabilistic risk model of norovirus transmission during handling and preparation of fresh produce in school foodservice operations

write about food service

Human noroviruses (NoV) are recognized worldwide as important pathogens and the primary cause of foodborne disease outbreaks from contaminated food in the U.S. They are often transmitted by infected food handlers manipulating foods during preparation, such as fresh fruits and vegetables.”


Original Article

What to eat on antibiotics: During and after treatment

write about antibiotics

Antibiotics attack and destroy bacteria in the body. They can get rid of an infection, but they can also harm the beneficial bacteria in the gut. In this article, learn which foods can reduce the side effects of antibiotics, promote healing, and restore the balance in the gut microbiome.”

Source: What to eat on antibiotics: During and after treatment

Your writing adds immense value to The NutriScape Project’s educational mission and places our writers as experts in the field. It can deliver you attention from your perfect clients so that they can connect—that’s what it’s all about. But first, let’s make sure this article is going to get the attention it deserves.

When Google Likes Your Article, Clients Find You

We want to make it easy to write great articles that get awesome levels of traffic.  That requires SEO.  SEO is the art and science of getting found on Google. It is a highly technical topic that most dietitians prefer not to tackle. And SEO is best done before any writing even takes place. 

Our specialist dietitian has already done much of the SEO work for you–researching and testing out the best keywords and heading structure to include to make your article show up in internet searches.


Coming up with the best keywords is tricky. Many of the keywords we would normally think of having either too much competition or too little search traffic. You will want to use the keyword/keyphrase in the first paragraph of your article and several more times.

According to our research, these are the best keyword(s) or keyphrase(s) to include in your article:

  • what should I eat before taking antibiotics
  • what not to eat while on antibiotics
  • what to eat on antibiotics

Suggested Headings

Readers love easy reading! Google looks for readability and scanability, so headings are important. Headings make your article easy to scan and can also break up long blocks of text that tend to overwhelm your readers.

During the keyword research process, these heading ideas came up in the top-rated articles and searches. If these headings fit the topic you are writing about and the article you want to write, they would probably help the article rank well in Google searches. They are only suggestions, so if they don’t fit what you are writing, you will want to create something better. Here are the headings our SEO dietitian suggested for this article:

  • What You Should Eat During and After Antibiotics
  • What should you eat and avoid while taking antibiotics
  • Using antibiotics correctly and avoiding resistance
  • The Do’s and Don’ts of Taking Antibiotics

Planning And Writing Your Article

This resource is sure to help as you organize your thoughts: