Author: Your Name and Title Here!

Use your biography to describe your talent and link to your NutriScape Nutrition Profile. From there, you can provide your contact information and link to website and your Social Media Accounts.

Rx for Health | Linus Pauling Institute

charts and or lists

The recommendations below are meant for generally healthy individuals interested in achieving or maintaining optimum health and preventing chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease (heart disease and stroke), type 2 diabetes, cancer, and osteoporosis. More detailed information regarding deficiencies of and requirements for specific nutrients is available on the Linus Pauling Institute’s Micronutrient Information Center.

Source: Rx for Health | Linus Pauling Institute | Oregon State University

View our latest Webinar recording: Influence of the Microbiome on Reproductive and Metabolic Health in Women – Pure Encapsulations

Influence of the Microbiome on Reproductive and Metabolic Health in Women Presented by: Felice Gersh, M.D.†† Wednesday, April 26, 2017 • 4:00 p.m. EDT Description The gut microbiome is highly responsive to diet, and impacts every aspect of physiology from digestion to endocrine function. In this webinar, Dr. Felice L. Gersh will discuss the clinical […]

Source: View our latest Webinar recording: Influence of the Microbiome on Reproductive and Metabolic Health in Women – Pure Encapsulations

Diet and exercise could increase brain blood flow in type 2 diabetes

write about exercise

Eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise can help prevent poor blood circulation to the brain in people with type 2 diabetes, researchers have said. The intervention was particularly successful among overweight individuals in helping to increase or maintain blood flow to the brain.

Source: Diet and exercise could increase brain blood flow in type 2 diabetes

Copyright Law and “DMCA”: Digital Millennium Copyright Act

Service Provider Designation of Agent to Receive Notifications of Claimed InfringementThe Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) provides safe harbors from copyright infringement liability for online service providers. In order to qualify for safe harbor protection, certain kinds of service providers—for example, those that allow users to post or store material on their systems, and search engines, directories, and other information location tools— must designate an agent to receive notifications of claimed copyright infringement. To designate an agent, a service provider must do two things: (1) make certain contact information for the agent available to the public on its website; and (2) provide the same information to the Copyright Office, which maintains a centralized online directory of designated agent contact information for public use. The service provider must also ensure that this information is up to date.

Source: DMCA Designated Agent Directory | U.S. Copyright Office

Flax seed: the best two bites for your health – A Healthy Weigh Today

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Flax seeds are the Mighty Mouse of food, smaller than a rice kernel, yet the most powerful two tablespoons of food you can put in your mouth. These tiny seeds help to combat cancer, diabetes, high cholesterol, autoimmune and neurological conditions and aid in weight loss. They may even help improve symptoms of psoriasis and…

Source: Flax seed: the best two bites for your health – A Healthy Weigh Today

How to Avoid a Life of Misery

write about a miscellaneous topic

This could be an excellent inspiration for coping with the diagnosis of diabetes.

Without getting into the details, the core idea of Stoicism is to be aware of what you can and can’t control. Once you have that awareness, you can avoid misery by changing what you can control and letting go of what you can’t.
It’s an incredibly simple and powerful concept, and that’s why it’s often referred to as the most practical of the ancient and modern philosophies.

Is it really that easy?

Source: How to Avoid a Life of Misery – Personal Growth – Medium

What Is SIBO and Does Diet Matter? – YouTube

write about SIBO

Planning And Writing Your Article- With 1 Free CEU!

Although all dietitians are well-versed in academic writing, it can be a challenge to organize our vast knowledge in a way that hits the right chord for readers on the web. Before you sit down to write your epic article, save yourself some time by investing an hour in learning the basics of a solid writing process that can help you create your very best work.

We’ve scoured the internet for the best practices on writing and distilled the information to meet the needs of NutriScape writers. In our 1-hour CEU presentation, “Copywriting Skills for the Internet”, we discuss a structured process for each phase of writing and cover critical SEO principles that are key to getting articles found on Google.

This writer’s guide is a resource that will be sure to help as you organize your thoughts: