Irritable Bowel Syndrome Breathing Exercises: Symptom Relief for IBS Through Breathing and Meditation

Stress is a key trigger that impacts gut health and IBS. Stress seems to worsen IBS, and IBS seems to make people stressed, so what do you do? As you may know, relaxing can help you manage your stress levels. Focusing on your breath through the practice of meditation can help to break the IBS-stress cycle by helping you focus on staying calm, relaxed, and connected with yourself.

So what is this IBS-stress relationship all about anyways? The “brain-gut connection” is how the brain and the digestive system communicate, and it is how stress can affect your IBS. In response to a stressor, which could be a change in job, relationship troubles, or sickness, there are complex interactions that can cause symptoms to show up or make existing symptoms worse. Meditation allows you to let go of worries about the past and the future which decreases overall stress.

Source: Irritable Bowel Syndrome Breathing Exercises: Symptom Relief for IBS Through Breathing and Meditation

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